From: Anna Rouvillois [email protected]
Subject: [your-subject]

Message Body:
We just finished to build our first Aframe in Quebec (Kartalla), and we are currently looking for a cedar hot tub for our Airbnb. I was wondering if that s possible to install it during the winter. I can imagine that we would need to have a flat place without snow or ice. And I was wondering how difficult is it to build your cedar hot tub
Thank you so much for your help.
PS : The phone is my husband s phone and he doesn t speaks well english if you call. But don t hesitate on my email (and sorry about all the question marks missing, his computer is really not cooperative)

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Request ID: d25UAM

Configurator: Barrel Hot Tub 7′

Product: Barrel Hot Tub 7′

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Total PriceCAD $0

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